The Manitoba HIV Program provides information, specialized care, treatment, and support to over 2,200 people living with HIV across Manitoba. Our goal is to ensure that everyone who tests positive for HIV in Manitoba has the same standard of care and treatment regardless of where they live in the province. We do this through:

  • Facilitating service coordination and client surveillance for all people newly diagnosed and livin with HIV in Manitoba,
  • Working with healthcare providers to provide care and treatment close to home,
  • Educating healthcare providers on HIV prevention, testing and primary care for PLHIV,  
  • Providing care and treatment in community for people who are not linked to HIV care through the Program to Access Treatment for HIV and Support (PATHS),
  • Evaluating the quality and performance of the Program, and
  • Identifying and administering quality assurance initiatives to enhance HIV care.

The Program has five sites for care in Manitoba:

Leadership Team

Kimberly Templeton, Director

Dr. Ken Kasper, Medical Director

Dr. Lauren MacKenzie, Associate Medical Director

Dr. Laurie Ireland, Primary Care Lead

Mike Payne, Executive Director, Nine Circles Community Health Centre


Brittany Read, Clinical Education Coordinator

Zacharie Pagan, Client Engagement Coordinator

Jocelyn Bevacqua, PATHS Nurse Practitioner

Cynthia Seida, Secretary